Monday, April 19, 2021

Quran lesson

 Final File 

Want to learn Quran from online Quran academy at home? Let's have a look! 

As we know, today's world is changed into world of technology and every person takes the benefit of IT technologies in terms of education as well as business. Similarly, technology made possible to learn Quran online at home. But question comes into our mind that what is perfect online streak for learning Quran. Don't worry about that! Join us! 

We are the best site named Quranic lessons is working from many years as online Quran tuition for teaching Quran through its online Quran classes. We are leading Quran academy for those who don't have learning facilities in their local area. No doubt, our students give fruitful results after longterm learning connection with us. At our platform, you can learn three online Quran courses as; 

Quran Reading 

Quran Memorization

Quran Tajweed

Our certified and experienced online Quran tutors teach in amazing way to keep our students connected to Quran lessons till end. Besides, we use both conventional and modern techniques to make our classes interactive for our students. Our primary goal is to teach Holy Quran in correct accent and pronunciation. 


1. Why Online Quran classes better than local Madrasah? 

Today's world have changed into global village. Every person have become busy in their jobs and other activities. As learning Quran is an obligation for Muslim and every parent wants that their kids learn Quran in childhood. Many parents can't extract time for their children to go out of home alongwith them. Therefore, learning Quran online at home is the best option for such kind of people

2. What is course criteria for learning Quran online? 

We use different apps for Quran classes online like Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp. Sudents and Quran teacher will come online at a scheduled time for taking Quran class. In first five minutes, tutor and students perform discussion. After that, teacher start teaching student by sharing screen on computer which can be seen by both teacher and student. Teacher listens previous Quran lesson daily and also highlights mistakes done by students. As a result, it creates a live Quran class environment. 

3. What makes us different from other online Quran tuition? 

Our institute is a leading online Quran tuition that provides Online Quranic study at a verry affordable cost. While others demand more than extra charges for learning Quran. Besides, we have flexible schedule timing, one on one class, expert Arabic, English& urdu tutors, 24 hours support services for our students. This thing make us the most dominating online Quran institute over the others. 

4. Is there any female Quran tutor for teaching girls?

Yes, we considered that some girls are shy and reluctant to learn from a male Quran tutor. As a result, they couldn't ask any question freely and devoid in clearing their concepts related to Quran lessons. Therefore, we've organized some female Quran tutors online to teach, listen and resolve the issues related to Quran lessons faced by female students. 

5. Is parents get reported about their kids performance?

Yes! Parents can check their kid's performance because we send monthly progressive reports to them. We also send upcoming monthly planning report along with previous monthly report. Besides, they can watch live or recorded lessos on zoom for checking their performance. 

6. What do you need to have for taking online Quran classes?

You don't need any complicated requirements for taking our online class. You just need to have a laptop, tablet or a mobile with good internet connection. For better communication and listening, you must have good microphone or speaker. After that, you need to install Skype or recommended app, create account and take your class regularly. 

How to Enroll ? 

Registration method for Quran Classes online is very simple and easy. You just need to follow following steps: 

Fill registration form with your name and contact information. 

Submit this registration form to take free trial classes for three days. 

Wait for 24 hours, we will contact you by email or phone call in which our agent will guide you about next procedure as installation of software for your session. If you feel satisfied with our Quran classes online then select a payment plan, submit your fee and continue your class. 

About us

Quranic lesson is a leading online Quran academy that spreads teaching of Quran all over the world. We have organized online Quran classes for those who haven't sources to go out of home due to busy schedule or Covid-19. You can learn online Quran reading, memorization and recitation with Tajwee in our online Quran classes. Alhmdulilah, we have certified male and female Quran teachers to cover these courses. 

Our Success and History

We have been working as online Quran tuition for many years. Over more than thousand students have learnt Quran and certified from our platform. Our institute has been praised by many parents for their kid's best performance in Quran. Students learnt by our site has now become a moralistic person along with Quran study. They have become able to recite Quran fluently with accurate pronunciation. 

Our Qualified Teachers 

Still unsure about our Quranic Staff? Let's have a look! We are blessed with we'll versed and experienced Quran tutors for teaching Quran. They know how to readghten the minds of our student with Quran easily. Their method of teaching is so spectacular and friendly that students attend online Quran classes with keen. 

We can analyze the importance of learning Quran from this Hadith; 

"Verily the most superior amongst you ( Muslims ) are those who learn the Quran and teach it."

At our platform, you'll find such online Quran tutors who have best teaching and communication skills in Quran study. We have teachers who are graduated in Quran and Islamic studies. They are well aware of Tajweed rules and have super command on Arabic, English and Urdu language. 

Our Vision 

Our mission is to inspire Muslims to seek knowledge of Quran and implement its teaching in their lives. We analyze all methods to provide our students with good learning knowledge and facilities. 

Holy Prophet (SAW) said; 

"Seeking Religious knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim."

We just want to induct Quran study into our students physically, socially and spiritually. By the end of course from our platform, you'll feel a lot of difference in yourself than before. So, without waiting join is now! I hope you will appreciate our process for learning Quran online by taking three days free trial. 

Why choose us? 

Here's the gist! There's a lot of Quranic institute but what are the reasons that make us stand out against them? Let's have a look on our plus points for learning Quran. Certain benefits of choosing our online Quran classes are as follows: 

One on one class

Are you shy student? Do you feel uneasy in learning Quran along with other people? If you want a personal tutor for teaching Quran online, then stop here! We have organized one on one Quran classes which you will get a personal Quran tutor for teaching Quran. You can ask your question freely in a friendly environment to ensure best results at the end. 

Interactive Classes 

Have any doubt about quality of our lectures? Our classes for learning Quran online are so fascinating to develop student's interest towards learning. We use both conventional and advanced systems to make our Quran classes interactive. 

Certified Quran tutors 

Thinking about our Quranic staff? Think positive about teachers of our institute because they are highly experienced and hold degrees in Quran study. They know how to teach students according their sense of humour. Besides, their method of teaching is so polite and impressive that our students get every point cleared timely. 

Female Quran tutors

Want to teach from female tutor? You don't need to worry! We have both male and female Quran tutors who are expert in delivering Quran lectures online. If you want to learn Quran from a female tutor then you are at right hourly. We provide you with female teachers from different countries who can conversate with you in your native language. 

Free trial

Have any doubt about our classes? If you are confused about our services and online classes then don't hesitate! We've come up with 3 days free trial policy for your satisfaction. Try our Quran classes online for three days and checkout our process of teaching Quran. If you feel comfortable and satisfied, you can continue your regular session by submitting payment. 

Monthly Quran classes online 

Want short period learning plan? We are the best online Quran school for providing monthly Quran classes. We don't span you to register for long time period. Rather, join us month on month for learning Qur'an. 

Highly Affordable

We are the a perfect Quranic institute that offers online Quran courses at affordable prices. We stand the best choice for your kids as compared to other institutes who charge extra fee prices for their expenses. Holy Quran is blessed book of Allah. It's our commitment to provide best results for Quran study whatever the pricing. 

Record and playback 

We allowed our students to record their live class. In this way, they can playback their Quran lesson again for revision. Recorded lesson will also help their parents to check out their performance during live class.


Quran Reading 

It is quoted as; 

"Reading Holy Quran leads to increase in faith. It brings tranquility, as angels descend to the source of recitation and bring peace to the heart."

QURAN is blessed book of Allah Come down for Guidance of Muslims. Hence, it's essential to learn and read Quran in Arabic accent for every Muslim. People whose native language is not Arabic, need to learn Quran with Arabic Accent. Muslim parents considers their obligation to make thier kids proficient in Quran study. Therefore, they ask thier kids to learn Quran in childhood. 

Some parents don't prefer local Madrasah for learning Quran for thier kids due to some busy schedule. Therefore, they prefer online Quranic classes for thier kids to learn Quran at home. If you are thinking for the best online Quranic School then you are at right place. We offer Quran Reading course for you and your kids at affordable cost. 

Mode of teaching 

We have both make and female certificate Quran tutors for teaching Quran online. This course is normally taken by kids, therefore, teachers teach very politely in a friendly environment. Quran teacher tells Quran Reading concepts including identification of Arabic letters with joints. After that he/she reads and ask student to read after him/her. Student practices untill he learn by heart. 

You will learn 

100% Arabic accent pronunciation

Stop and Pause signs in Quran 

A separate form of the Arabic letters

Haaroof Muqatta'sat, Jazm, Shaddah, Tanveen and Sukoon concepts

Implementation of Laam & Meem Saakina 

Joint forms of Arabic letters(beginning, middle, and ending) 

Short & long vowels' sounds. 

2. Quran Memorization 

We see the importance of Quran Memorization in Holy Quran as Allah says;  

"We have made the Quran easy for remembrance. So, is there anyone who will remember? " 

Memorizing Quran is another act of getting blessing of Allah. This act need a lot of efforts, attention and time of both student and teacher. If you want to fill your hearts with Allah's Divine then you should  memorize the Holy Quran. Fortunately, you can memorize Quran online at home from our institute. Kids and adults from all over the world can enroll in this course. 

Mode of teaching 

We have highly qualified Quran teachers who are certified in Quran memorization with experience of many years. They teach in impressive way that students don't forget its previous Quran lesson till end. Your teacher recite a verse and ask you to read after him again and again. He will ask you to read many times until you learn that verse by heart. Besides, your tutor will revise and listen previous lesson on daily basis. 

You will learn

              Hifz with Tajweed rules

Memorize surahs without giving rise to mistakes 

Concepts of Ramoozul Auqaf

Quran reading with accuracy and fluency 

Implementation of stop signs 

3. Quran Tajweed 

Tajweed Al Quran means to read Quran with accurate pronunciation. Quran recitation has virtue due to its  proper Arabic accent with tajweed rules. Basic mistake done by Muslims during reading Quran is to read it in simple way or without tajweed rules. But any single mistake in single word can change the meaning of whole line. And it will create wrong sense. As a result, it will become the cause of a big sin especially for Muslims 

As in Quran, Allah said: 

           “And recite the Quran (aloud) in a slow, (pleasant tone and) style.” 

Therefore, as a Muslim it's our obligation to read Quran properly with Tajweed Rules. It's the best option for you that you can learn Quran with Tajweed at home. So, what are you waiting for? Correct your pronunciation in Quran recitation to get Allah's gifts in world and hereafter. You can learn from our site because we are offering one on one Quran classes for better interaction of students. 

Mode of teaching 

We have honoured to have experienced Quran tutors who hold degrees in Tajweed Quran course. They know how to teach and explain Tajweed rules. They take care of minor mistakes in Quran recitation. We've divided Tajweed Al Quran course into three levels. 

First level 

This level is for beginners who know basic knowledge about Quran reading or Nazra. In this level, we educate basic rules of Tajweed including Idgham, Qalib, Maddahs and Nasal sounds etc. 

Second level 

Those students are enrolled in this level who have already passed level 1. In this level, students learn Waqf rules along with Quran reading with Tarteel. 

Third level

It's the final level for Tajweed Al Quran in which students will revise all rules of Tajweed. In this level, student will be able to recite Quran with Tajweed fluently. 

You'll learn 

To read Quran with accurate pronunciation 

Shapes of Arabic letters

Origin of Arabic alphabets 

Rules for Idghaam 

Exceptional rules of Qira'ah 

Concept of Ramooz ul Auqaaf

Rules for Meem Sakina and Laam Sakina 

About Sifaat e AAridhah & Sifaat e Lazimah 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

 Home Page

Learn Quran online from home 

Seeking the best online learning Quran school for you and your kids? As we know, learning Quran is an obligation of Muslims. Muslim learns Quran from childhood to get Allah's divine. Muslim parents wish to teach their kids with Quran study, but they don't have any source or time to send their kids to any nearby Madrasah. Then they prefer online Quran tuition at home for their kids. 

 Holy Prophet (SAW) said; 

"Seeking Religious knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim"

Similarly, if you are looking for Quran classes online for you and your kids, stay here! Meet us! Our institute named Quranic classes is a platform that works for your kids to learn Quran with the correct pronunciation. We have been honored to have the best online Quran teachers from different countries who are experts in delivering online lectures. Their method of teaching is so impressive that your kids will engage with Quran learning till the end. 

Our Process of online Quran learning

We use both ancient and advanced techniques to deliver the best lecture to our students for a better understanding of Quran learning. We use different apps like Zoom/ skype or WhatsApp for running Quran class. Our methodology of Quran classes online is as follow; 

The teacher will call the students to start class at the scheduled timing. 

Students will receive the call (audio or video) to start one to one session. 

The teacher will deliver a lecture and a digital book on screen sharing, which both teacher and student could see during learning. 

Besides, all of our classes as recorded; you can take them at any time after your class ends up. 

FAQs for learning Quran Quran 

1. Can I select my desired timing for learning Quran online?

Yes! Quranic lessons allows you to choose a suitable timing for your class. So, you can choose any time for learning Quran online according to your ability. 

2. Is it an option to replace my online Quran tutor?

Yes! Don't hesitate to discuss your issues related to your online Quran classes. If you are not comfortable with your Quran teacher, you can inform us! We will surely replace your current teacher with your recommend one or other. We will hear you as many times as you ask. We aim to provide a better understanding and get the best results for our students. 

3. Which courses we offer to learn Quran online? 

In Quranic lessons, you can learn Quran online along with its implementation in your practical lives. You will learn with the best certified online Quran tutors with a 3day free trial opportunity. We are offering three online Quran courses for our students. 

1. Quran Reading 

2. Quran Memorization 

3. Tajweed Al Quran 

4. Is it necessary to have a laptop for taking Quran classes online?

No, we don't restrict you from taking your class using a laptop or PC. You can use your mobile or tablets for learning Quran online at our website. 

5. From which countries can students enroll?

Quranic lessons is an international online learning Quran school that offers its services all across the globe. Students from different countries, especially the US and UK, can register at our site. 

How to Register yourself for learning Quran? 

Our registration method is straightforward and easy. You can register yourself and your kids for learning Quran online by following steps. Take a look!

Take your first class with three days free trial.

Select your plan and course for learning Quran

Fill your registration form with your name and contact information

After filling the registration form, click submit 

After submitting your form, Our chatting agent will contact you and provide you all information for the following procedure. 

About us 

Who are we? What to know us as the best online Quran tuition? Take a look! 

The quranic lessons is a leading online Quran tuition for everyone, especially for Muslim kids & adults. We work globally all over the world based in UK and US. We offer different online Quran courses, including Quran Reading, Recitation with Tajweed, and Quran Memorization. People of any age or limit can learn Quran from our platform. 

Our Experience as online Quran tuition

Alhamdulillah, we have honored to have an experience of 10 years in working as Online Quran academy. We have taught 1000+ Muslim kids with praising responses from them. Many parents are grateful to us for enabling their kids to become an ethical souls. Our primary goal is to provide online Quran teaching along with its implementation in people's life. 

Our best teachers 

Learning Quran is a susceptible task that should be learning from experienced and well-versed tutors. Any mistake in the Quran you will learn from a person would be a significant loss for you and your Quran teacher. Therefore, we have organized highly experienced and well-versed online Quran tutors to teach Quran. Our teachers know how to educate online kids in a sympathetic environment. Holy Prophet (SAW) said

The best amongst you is the one who learns Quran and teaches it.

Besides, our Quran tutors communicate in a very polite way and deal according to different students' natures. We have teachers from different countries like UK, USA, or Canada who can speak a different language( Urdu, English, and Arabic). Their method of teaching is so impressive that our students reveal better results in the end. Our Online Quran tutors are;

Hafiz e Quran 

Qari e Quran 

Well aware of Tajweed Rules

Graduated in Islamic studies

Well trained in teaching Quran online

Have super command of Arabic, English, and Urdu language 

Understand the complexities faced by students in this field

Our Vision 

To provide online Quran teaching and message of Allah to the Muslims. A platform where every Muslim learns Quran recitation along with the implementation of its education in practical lives. 

Our Mission 

To help the Muslims, whatever their location, to get knowledge about learning Quran online at low cost. Also, help the needy people who can deliver Islam teaching can get blessed employment from our platform. 

Our Values 

Our primary goal is to raise students who exemplify impeccable Islamic character and developed academic skills and ideal citizenship. We explore all strategies to help them achieve their full potentia in Quran lessons online. We aim to install social, intellectual, physical, and spiritual context in our students. 

Why choose us?

Here's the point! Why choose the Quranic lessons for learning Quran online? You can choose our site for learning Quran due to the following reasons. Let's explore! 

One on one classes 

Some students are shy and hesitate to clear their concepts in front of their mates. We considered this situation and organized one on one classes for learning Quran online. In this way, an individual tutor will teach online to a single student. As a result, we succeed in exploring our student's minds with better understanding. 

Interactive Quran classes 

We left zero efforts to make our online Quran classes interactive and informative. We use both ancient and advanced techniques in conveying lectures. Our Quran classes online are so interactive that your kids never feel bored or left class. Instead, we tried to develop an interest in our students for learning Quran. As a result, they learn Quran and keep engaged with learning till the end. 

Monthly classes

We don't restrict you to bound for a long time learning Quran online. You can select a monthly plan for the first time. If you don't feel to proceed further, then don't go for next month's plan. But you should make sure and discuss any issue about your Quran class with our instructors without hesitation. We will resolve your issue. For example, if you are not happy with your teacher, then tell us, we will replace your teacher as soon as possible! 

Male/Female online Quran tutor

We have blessed to have highly qualified both male and female Quran tutors for Quran study. Some female students prefer to learn from female Quran tutor instead of from Qari. To overcome this intention, we have organized the best certified female Quran tutors to teach girls Quran learning. Now, your females can learn Quran with female Quran teacher at Quran Classes. 

Schedule Flexibility 

At Quranic lessons, you are allowed to choose a suitable timing for taking class according to your availability. We need the proper intention of our students in Quran lessons online. That's why we give complete flexibility to our students in schedule timing. 

No language difficulty

You don't need to worry about your native language problems. We have certified Quran teachers who speak English, Urdu, and Arabic fluently. You can conversate with your Quran teacher in your language without hesitating. As a result, we have students from different countries like UK, US, Pakistan, and others. 

Record and Playback 

Our Quran classes online provide an option to record your Quran lessons online. After recording your live class, you can playback it later at any time in front of your parents. It will help you to revise your lesson or in-progress checking. 

3 Day free trial

Plus point of our institute is that we offer three days of free Quran classes online for your trial. You can check out our teaching method for three days if you are satisfied, then select a payment plan and start your regular online Quran classes. 

Our courses

Quran Reading

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) said; 

Recite the Quran, for it will intercede for you (with Allah) on the day of Judgement."

Holy Quran is a book that has complete guidance for Muslim's life and death. Hence, it's an obligation to learn and read Quran to get Allah's divine in the world and hereafter. This course is primarily for kids and beginners who have zero knowledge of the Arabic language. We will teach you all rules of reading the Quran in the correct Arabic accent. 

Mode of teaching 

Our online Quran tutors are very polite in online Quran teaching. They teach basic Arabic concepts and signs along with joints. Students have to read Quran daily. The teacher listens to previous lessons daily for revision. By the end, of course, we aim that our students would read the Quran fluently in the most pleasing way.

What you will learn 

A separate form of the Arabic letters

100% Arabic accent pronunciation

Stop and Pause signs in Quran 

Stopping denoting pauses and Haroof Muqatta'sat 

Jazm, Shaddah, Tanveen and Sukoon concepts

Implementation of Laam & Meem Saakina 

How to join Arabic letters to make words

Joint forms of Arabic letters(beginning, middle, and ending) 

Practice with exercises involving short & long vowels' sounds. 

Quran Tajweed 

Allah says in Quran ; 

"And Recite the Quran with measured recitation" (Quran, 73:4)

Tajweed is the recitation of the Quran with accurate pronunciation and emphasis. The major mistake we make during Quran reading is to read with an improper Tajweed accent. Learning the rules and ways of Tajweed is essential because any slight mistake can change the meaning of the Quran about translation. That's why we should follow the rules of Tajweed to offer the finnest Quran Recitation. 

Most Muslims have desires to learn Quran online with Tajweed rules, but due to their busy schedule or routine, they can't go to any regular local Madrasah. We offer an online Tajweed Al Quran course taught by verse and experienced female/ male tutors to overcome this situation. We offer this course on three levels. 

Level 1

In the first level, those students are enrolled who know the basic knowledge of Quran Reading. They will learn basic Tajweed concepts like Idgham, Nasal sounds, Qalib, and Maddahs, etc. 

Level 2

In the second level, students who had learned about Tajweed rules in the first level are enrolled. Now, they need to practice implementing of Tajweed Rules during Quran reading without sinful mistakes. 

Level 3

In the third level, those students are enrolled who have passed the second level. At this level, students will revise and learn the rules of Waqf along with reading Quran with Tarteel. 

Mode of teaching 

First, your Tajweed Quran teacher will teach you the rules of Tajweed. Then he tells about the implementation of these rules along with reciting a verse. Your online Quran tutor will read a verse with the finnest accent and ask students to read and practice after him/her. The Process is repeated until the student reads with the correct accent. 

What you will learn 

How to read Quran with accurate pronunciation 

Identification of the origin of Arabic alphabets 

Shapes of Arabic letters

Rules for Idghaam 

Rules for Meem Sakina and Laam Sakina 

Exceptional rules of Qira'ah 

Concept of Ramooz ul Auqaaf

Details about Sifaat e AAridhah & Sifaat e Lazimah 

Quran Memorization 

Allah says in Quran; 

Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest. ( Quran, Surah: Ar'Rad, Verse: 28 ) 

Quran memorization is a mental, physical and spiritual journey that constructs a good relationship between Allah and a person. Many Muslim parents want that their kids memorize Quran, but they are deprived due to the unavailability of skilled tutors. At Quranic lessons, you will meet with highly qualified and certified scholars for Quran memorization. 

Memorizing Quran needs a lot of effort from both teachers and students. Hence, we have divided this course between learning quickly and not forget till the end. You can register yourself and your kids in our Quran classes online for Quran memorization easily. 

Mode of teaching

All our teachers are Hifz e Quran and hold degrees in Quran Memorization. Also, they have many years of experience teaching Online Quran Memorization. First, your online Quran tutor recites a verse and asks you to recite it repeatedly until you learn by heart. Daily listening and revisions of the previous lesson are also a part of our Quranic classes. 

What you will learn

Memorize surahs without giving rise to mistakes 

Concepts of Ramoozul Auqaf

Quran reading with accuracy and fluency 

Implementation of stop signs in Quran memorization 

Quran memorization with Tajweed rules

Friday, April 9, 2021



 The video animation company 

Hey there! Are you looking for an expert video animation company? Solution your problem is here! Our company named video animation company creates 2D, 3D, whiteboard animated videos & motion graphics by incorporating an engaging content. Besides, we also provide the services of digital marketing with our goodness. 

We add SEO video content to rank your sales process and corporate communications. Our team is the best 2D animated video agency having the best and experienced staff. Our team members include animators, designers, editors, storyteller, script creator, digital marketers etc. They all try their best to ensure your final product good results.

Why Choose us?

Have you any doubt about our video animated production work? Don't worry! Our work speaks by itself. We have honoured to work with 1000+ clients. I return, they always show a positive response towards our work. Hence, you can choose us to get an interactive animated video for your business promotion. Here are some best qualities of our video animation company for which you can select us! Let's have a look! 


We are the best 2D & 3D animated video company due to our highly skilled team. All credit goes to our team who works with goodness and move your business to success. Our team members include video animators, editors, SEO specialists, digital marketers, SEO content writers and designers. Without a team, we are not able to provide your dreamy work to you. We work together to create a compelling animated video production for our customers.

100% guaranteed results

You can choose us because our motion graphics studio provides 100% satisfaction to our clients. Our team members work with complete devotion at every stage of animated video production. From start to end, we provide errorless animated video for your brand. Don't hesitate to work with us! We give 100% guaranteed results. 

Effective sound and music 

Sound and music play an essential part to make video interactive. Music develops interests in viewers to stay on your website. Our team has the best-animated video editors who know which sound and music will suit your brand story. We choose suitable music and sound to give an extra lift to your animated video. 

Professional Script Writer 

Our 2d & 3d animated company is a leading animated video production company due to our dedicated scriptwriters. They create exquisite and engaging content for your animated video. Whatever your niche or product, our professional scriptwriters create enthusiastic SEO content that clearly explains your brand story to your clients. 

Digital Marketing 

We are also professional in digital marketing through animated video. We provide SEO, SMO and PPC services to ensure your ranking against your competitors. Our animated video production service would lurk your website on the first page of Google search. We have highly professional online marketers to ensure your business promotion. 

Transparent Pricing 

We are the only one motion graphic agency to provide animated video at highly affordable pricing. Our pricing is so suitable for your budget. Our video animated cost doesn't affect video quality. We don't compromise about our work quality. Instead, we provide effective result to give our customers a good experience. As a result, they come back to us for their following projects. 

Our Services 


SMO stands for Social media optimization that is an essential part of the digital marketing of your business. SMO helps you to drag and boost your business video on specific social media platforms. Facebook have more strength of showing videos and getting more impressions than youtube. 

Our video animation company provide SMO services during animated video production. We understand both your business and audience on the platform. We produce video content according to SMO that rank your video on that platform to engage more customers. 


For your business's digital marketing, SEO brings an accessory option to have an explainer animated video about your brand. Well, we're a video animation company to provide exquisite video content for your video that would lurk your website onto the first page of Google results. 

Video templates used by our video animation company are so attractive that they develop viewers' interest to become your clients. Overall, we create SEO scripted video that is highly optimized and customized to rank your site in Search Engine on Google. 


PPC is the pay per click strategy of digital marketing and also a part of SEO. PPC allows you to place an ad and get paid when a visitor clicks the ad. So PPC is essential for your website. For getting more traffic on your website, you need an interactive video for your business. 

When your video is attractive and exciting, then the audience will stay for a long watch time. When visitors become interested in your brand, then they will become your clients. Otherwise, your website will rank in search results and will get more traffic. We are here to provide digital marketing services for animated video production for better SEO optimization. 

2D animated video 

Whatever your niche or forte, if you want to expressively, then no way is better than 2D animated videos. Our 2d animation videos intricate your business ideas into impressive visibility. As a result, it enables your customers to attract and understand your actual product. 

We are a 2d animation agency that provides highly affordable 2D animation videos to our clients. So, don't wait for more! Put your ideas using 2D animation videos. We assure you to we deliver such a 2D animated video that will surely boost your business satisfying results. 

Motion Graphics 

Motion graphics consists of text and digital images to create a ghost of motion. We have a talented and experienced team who knows how to create exquisite motion graphics to obtain explicit goals. If you are looking for a skilled motion graphics video company, then choose us!

Our video animation company provides motion graphics that is the best way to attract viewers to your website. Our animated video production services would lurk your bland content into a captivating experience for your clients. 

Whiteboard Animation 

Whiteboard is a kind of animated video that shows hand drawing elements with a white background. This animation makes it easy to clear a story about your business to your customers. It draws the attention of your customer and creates chances for becoming your customers. 

We are the best whiteboard animated company to create an interactive video for your brand. We provide video at an affordable price, but it doesn't affect our video production quality. We compromise on both price and quality and provide perfect results. We use different software to include white background, drawing hand, a good script and build a connection. 

3D Animation 

Want to gr awesome 3D animated video for your business? Catch up on our 3D animated video studio! We create a fascinating 3D animated video for your brand to attract an audience. 3d animated video is an interactive and easy way to explain your brand story. 

We use SEO video content in our animated video production so that your brand would reach the top of a search on Google. Our 3D animated video company's point is that we provide highly affordable 3D animated video according to your budget. We assure you that you will not disappoint with our work. 

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can a video animation company help your business? 

Here's the main gist! We create an adorable animated video and expert in digital marketing and provide SEO to drive your business up the Google results. We help you to deliver your message to your customers. Our video explains what you want to tell your clients, what you are offering and how are your services best in the market. Our 3d animation studio helps boost your conversion rates and stand out your business from that of your competition. 

2. What are the benefits of using animated video?

An Animated video explains your whole business in a short story to attract more customers. It's also a part of SEO that helps you drive your website to the top of the search. You can get the followings by using animated videos of 3d animation agency; 

You can deliver a complex message in fun & immersing way. 

You can improve your brand visibility 

You can promote your products

You can create effective engagement 

You may get more subscribers to assemble your mailing lists.

2. What is the process of our animated video production?

Our team is expertise in creating engaging video content to improve your brand visibility. Whether you need a corporate video or product demo, our 3d animated agency ensures you create premium quality videos for your brand. From huddling various ideas to the final delivery, our animated video production process involves different stages as follows; 

Understanding your brand and marketing goals

Story and SEO content development





Final delivery

It's just a quick summary of our animated video production process. If that's not enough for you and you want more information, we will be happy to hear from you to add more elements. Our team turn your animated video according to what you need. 

3. How does a video animation company take to complete one video? 

On receiving the first instalment of payment from the customer, we start working on the project as soon as possible. We usually take about 4 to 6 weeks to deliver the final approved video. Further, it depends on several revisions required and the complexity of animated video production. 

4. How much does animated video production cost?

Typically, the cost of animated video production ranges from $2000 to $4500+ in the market. The cost depends on the complexity of the video, style of animation( 2D, 3D, whiteboard or motion graphics) and workers needed to draw the best result of your project. Our video animation company has the best animators, editors, designers, storytellers, voiceover artists, and digital marketers. 

All members of our team try their best to turn your business into a success. Our pricing is not fixed but depends on the type of project. We have organized a pricing guide for you on animated video production cost. So, you can contact us to get an accurate pricing knowledge of your required project. 

How many revisions do you get from us? 

We have honoured to deliver perfect and complete work to our customers. Our video animation company have experts for animated video production. As a result, they try Their best not to leave any mistake in their work. But, if our customers need any revision from us, then we will give the option of unlimited revisions to our clients. Our team do revisions with complete sincerity to make your final product good.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Freelance Working Institute (FWI)


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